Saturday, July 14, 2007

this is the day

this one is meant to be a reminder, for all that has been done, will always be remembered.

most of us pride ourselves as individuals who get things planned out, making sure everything is made to work. i, for that matter, belong to this group of people. few things go off unexpected ways for me, those days.

frankly and slowly (though), i'd been convinced that such a utopia would be unlivable.

the result of my tunnel vision as a supremely task-oriented planner, failing to foresee side-effects of my ideas; the ingenuity of me, as an average Joe who tries to find a way to circumvent the rules and regulations of the game; led to situations where primary principles are met, but yet secondary consequences roll in. it was never my game, was it?

we all deserve a second chance they say. that's what i asked for but hey, till then let's see..

i wish i could do it like the foreign Iraqis, as they disappear in the ubiquity of Iraqi habits, dialect, slang, and dress that is prevalent in their very own country.

let's play while there's still clay.

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