Thursday, January 24, 2008


mankind is great because we all have dreams.

say aye if u feel me without a jinx. the solicited stays certain yet obscure. this oxymoron is probably one that we can live with. not for long but long enough for the realization of the very reason of why we are great, to actually occur. we have a dream, we all do i suppose. that being said, you can possibly guess what is about to come next.

for all that is worth, if you've been keeping up with the records, you probably will have heard of this one. i have a dream, says martin luther king. a man like all of us. a man with a dream. i would but with much discretion then resentment agree with you if you'd thought that he made a unique choice. a choice to take his greatness elsewhere, somewhere most of us took 20 years just to simply understand what he was trying to do. nevertheless, the resemblance between the current and that of the past in what we dream leaves me in constant doubt. of late, it has occurred to me that king's style was probably the style. i been keeping it my style. high time we hit things round the corner and do it the orator's style.

with that much talk about personal style we can't possibly leave this one out. follow me through this. one man. did a brokeback. a joker. naked on his bed. drugged. dead. seriously. like seriously. that brought us to take a look at the other end of the spectrum. somehow or rather, it appears to me, he, too, took a unique approach. but believe it or not, this time round i think he deserves all the respect for the roles he has played in our lives. no worries, i ain't near to just about starting that minute of silence. perhaps, this man did have a dream. well at least he had a daughter. that might just be his dream.

i have a dream, since i was 17. may we all live the dream.

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: : : : : : : : : : : obiter dictum : : : : : : : : : : :